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Welcome to the Cloud: Intro to Linux System Operations
class: center, middle # Making Magic With Nginx: ## Introduction to Linux System Operations, Part 2 #### By: Tyler Duzan ??? Expected presentation run-time is 30 minutes --- # Who Am I? * Early start with computing * Various technical roles across industries over the last 10+ years * Learned security through direct practice * Previously at Rackspace - Senior role in operations as part of Rackspace Cloud - Global Technical Product Owner for Linux Operating Systems - Internal subject matter expert (SME) on identity management and security * Currently at Eligible Inc. as a Senior Technical Operations Engineer - Eligible is a healthcare technology startup which means our focus is heavily on information security and compliance ??? Talk it out, make it brief. --- # Talk Outline 1. Talk Series Format/Setup 2. Why Nginx? 3. Wordpress Prerequisites 4. Set Up Your VM 5. Demo Time 6. Conclusion / Things to Explore ##### Please Hold Questions Until The End! --- # Talk Series Format/Setup * I plan to have multiple parts to this topic in a series of talks * This presentation assumes for the purposes of demonstration that you'll be working within a local VM inside Vagrant w/ the Linux distribution of your choice. * To follow along it is required to have a laptop with Vagrant and VirtualBox installed (both free) ### If you didn't previously setup Vagrant and VirtualBox do so now please --- # Why Nginx? * Architected to do one simple function as fast as possible (serve sockets) * Flexible, but not by including the kitchen sink (compile-in modules) * For all intents and purposes, is the fastest performing web server * Easy to understand configuration which is declarative * Sane defaults * Constantly improving --- # Wordpress Prerequisites For the purposes of this presentation we'll be installing Wordpress. Wordpress requires the following: * A web server - Nginx * A database server - Percona * PHP 5 or later - PHP-FPM We'll additionally need some prerequisites for doing the more advanced portion of the demo: * A TLS library - OpenSSL [:(] --- # Set Up Your VM * First, create a new Vagrant VM by making a new folder on your system and using `vagrant init` * Install Wordpress Prerequisites, for the purpose of this demo I will be using Debian 8 - Nginx: https://nginx.org/en/linux_packages.html#mainline - Percona: https://www.percona.com/downloads/Percona-Server-5.7/LATEST/ - PHP-FPM: `apt-get install php5-fpm php5-mcrypt php5-mysqlnd php5-curl php5-mbstring php5-imagick` - OpenSSL: `apt-get install openssl openssl-dev` * A Good DHParam and Self-Signed Certificate: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-a-self-signed-ssl-certificate-for-nginx-in-ubuntu-16-04 * SSL Configuration: https://mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/?server=nginx-1.10.1&openssl=1.0.1e&hsts=yes&profile=modern --- # Set Up Your VM, Cont. * Wordpress Install: https://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress * Download Wordpress: https://wordpress.org/download/ * Simple Guide to Install Wordpress: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-wordpress-on-centos-7 * Tune PHP-FPM: - php.ini * cgi.fix_pathinfo=0 - www.conf: * pm.min_spare_servers = 1 * pm.max_spare_servers = 3 * pm.start_servers = 2 * pm.max_children = 5 * Configure Nginx --- class: middle, center # Demo Time! --- # Conclusion * Wordpress is a popular content management and blogging platform * It's a fairly simple matter to install Wordpress on your own Linux server * Nginx + PHP-FPM require minimal tuning in order to be performant * Configuring strong TLS is pretty easy, especially with the Mozilla tools * For $5/mo + the cost of a domain you could be rocking your own blog :) # Next Up? * Linux Server Hardening? * Your Own Secure Email w/ Postfix and Dovecot? * Your Own VPN Server with OpenVPN? * Data Modeling and Why You Probably Don't Really Want MongoDB? --- # Things to Explore * Configuration Management Tools: *Chef*, Puppet, Salt, Ansible * Web Servers: *Nginx*, *Caddy*, Apache, lighttpd * Email MTAs: *Postfix*, qmail, sendmail, Exim, OpenSMTPd * Email Post Office Services: *Dovecot*, Courier * VPN Services: *OpenVPN*, StrongSWAN, SoftEther, Tinc * Database Servers: *PostgreSQL*, MySQL/MariaDB/*Percona*, MongoDB, Cassandra * Other Services: Asterisk, OwnCloud, GitLab, Ampache/Koel/CherryMusic, Plex --- class: center, middle # Any Questions?