
About Tyler Duzan

My name is Tyler Duzan, or more formally Mr. Tyler T. Duzan.
My nickname is tristor. This site you're on, entitled Wandering in Wondering, is my personal website as part of the IndieWeb
If you need to contact me, please encrypt your messages using my public key.

I am many things, but perhaps most of all I am a life-long learner. I aspire to become a renaissance man, although I see the journey ahead as being long (and a whole lot of fun). My interests are fairly broad, and I tend to pick up new hobbies and interests often, delve deeply into them, and then file them away to make room for the next.

Setting up fgallery on OS X with Homebrew

How’d I Pick fgallery Anyway?

Currently this site is being generated offline as a series of static images, HTML, CSS, and JS files that get served almost entirely out of cache through the CDN provided by Cloudflare. This is made possible by a piece of software called Hugo. Hugo takes a series of Markdown formatted text files, some HTML/CSS/JS templates, and a theme made of HTML/CSS/JS and generates this entire site each time I run the command hugo inside my site repository. This confers a lot of advantages over a more traditional approach such as using a CMS like Wordpress, such as: