How’d I Pick fgallery
Currently this site is being generated offline as a series of static images, HTML, CSS, and JS files that get served almost entirely out of cache through the CDN provided by Cloudflare. This is made possible by a piece of software called Hugo. Hugo takes a series of Markdown formatted text files, some HTML/CSS/JS templates, and a theme made of HTML/CSS/JS and generates this entire site each time I run the command hugo
inside my site repository. This confers a lot of advantages over a more traditional approach such as using a CMS like Wordpress, such as:
My apologies for the delay in posting part 2. I encountered a few chicken-and-egg problems in that I wanted to write this update from my new Macbook but needed complete the remainder of the setup in order to have a comfortable and secure environment to do so from. Without further ado, on to the meat of it.
I’m breaking this article up into several parts to both assist me in the
process of writing it and to make it easier to digest. I’m taking some
steps out of order, but am making an effort to organize them into the
most logical order possible.
That time has come again, and I have acquired a new Macbook Pro. In
this case its primarily in preparation for my trip so that I can edit
photos effectively on the go. It replaces my aged 2011 Macbook Air
(which has served me well). It seems an opportune time then to write up
my process for setting up a Macbook, and with a particular focus on
I’m breaking this article up into several parts to both assist me in the
process of writing it and to make it easier to digest. I’m taking some
steps out of order, but am making an effort to organize them into the
most logical order possible.